You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The Girl from Kay's > Act 2 No.

No. 10 - Song - Winnie and Chorus - "The Customers at Kay's."


Winnie: If you'd like to know the ways
Of the customers at Kay's,
We observe a most remarkable variety.
There's a lady coming there,
with victoria and pair,
She's a duchess in the very best society.
And she makes us kill ourselves
Getting velvets from the shelves,
Till the pile of goods is big enough to bury her,
Then she says, "That's very nice,
Twenty guineas is the price,
Give me half a yard of ribbon for my terrier.
Have you a length of that antique brocade?
Seven guineas a yard!
Oh, I don't like the shade,
But I will look in again in, say, two or three days,"
That is just how her Grace is a customer at Kay's!
Chorus: "Have you a length of that antique brocade?
Seven guineas a yard!
Oh, I don't like the shade,
But I will look in again in, say, two or three days,"
That is just how her Grace is a customer at Kay's!
Winnie: There's a lady from the West
Who is anxious to be dressed
In the very latest fashion and material;
For her poppa made things hum
with a trust in chewing gum,
And his fortune, for the moment, is imperial;
So she tries on this and that,
here a cloak and there a hat,
And selects the newest models, say a score or two;
Then she says "I rather guess
that's a dreadful cunning dress,
But I'll go around and see another store or two.
London, I guess, is a one-horse old town,
In Chicago, you bet, we can fix you a gown!
I'm going right off to Parry to try Bong Marshay's,"
That is just how the Yankees are customers at Kay's!
Chorus: "London, I guess, is a one-horse old town,
In Chicago, you bet, we can fix you a gown!
I'm going right off to Parry to try Bong Marshay's,"
That is just how the Yankees are customers at Kay's!

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Page modified 7 December 2016