You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > Miss Hook of Holland > Act 1 No. 9

No. 9 - Song - Mina and Girls - "The Flying Dutchman"


Mina: There lived a young Dutchman of whom you have heard,
To whom some composer has in music referred —
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: Music referred —
So famous was he, that his name quickly fell
To an English race-horse and a locomotive as well —
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: 'Motive as well —
You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
The story is sad, but true;
If you'd once seen his wife
You'd have flown for your life--
So no wonder the Dutchman flew!
Girls: You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
The story is sad, but true;
Mina: When he heard that his wife
Was insuring his life —
Girls: Well, no wonder the Dutchman flew!
Mina: This Dutchman, in spite of his very affluent ways,
Had "nothing" per three hundred and sixty-five days;
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: Sixty-five days;
From Holland he bolted one ev'ning, dreary and dim,
When matters at home got a little too hot for him!
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: Too hot for him!
You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
The papers he got were blue;
And proceedings are short
In a Dutch County Court —
So no wonder the Dutchman flew!
Girls: You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
The papers he got were blue;
Mina: He was ordered to pay
On the very next day —
Girls: So no wonder the Dutchman flew!
Mina: This Dutchman fell ill and the doctor sent him to bed,
With a pain in his back and a nasty cold in his head —
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: Cold in his head —
'Twas Dutch influenza, but he little knew--
Which explains all the sooner that poor Dutchman's "flue!"
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: Poor Dutchman's "flue!"
You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
He feared where he might go to;
But he'd heard of such things
As "an angel with wings;"
Oh, I do hope the Dutchman flew!
Girls: You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
He feared where he might go to;
Mina: But he'd heard of such things
As "an angel with wings;"
Girls: Oh, I do hope the Dutchman flew!
Mina: Of England this Dutchman had very frequently heard;
Where the fields were all green and the best police traps occurred;
Girls:  Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: P'lice traps occurred.
They told him that London was just as gay as could be,
So he went there the marvellous entertainments to see.
Girls: Ri-fol-diddle-iddle-ol, diddle-iddle,
Mina: 'Tainments to see.
You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
He did feel depressed and blue,
For a Sunday he spent
Up in London, in Lent —
Well, no wonder the Dutchman flew!
Girls: You've heard of the Flying Dutchman?
He did feel depressed and blue,
Mina: For a Sunday he spent
Up in London, in Lent —
Girls: Well, no wonder the Dutchman flew!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | Miss Hook of Holland

Page modified 25 January 2017