You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The Orchid > Act 1 No. 4

No. 4 - Song - Meakin and Chorus - "I do all the dirty work."


Meakin: You amateurs who try to run a garden
Can never guess where all the work that's dirty lies.
You talk a lot, but begging of your pardon,
You haven't had to dig, or drain, or fertilize.
You're so mighty proud, you know,
When you plant a seed, or so,
Chorus: We can use spade and trowel, too!
Meakin: If your fingers you should mess,
Off you run in great distress,
Chorus: For some soap and a towel, too!
Meakin: But I do all the dirty work.
Chorus: You never shirk,
Meakin: I never shirk the dirty work,
I dig, and drain, and I root up all the weeds,
And I nurse them bloomin' little seeds.
And when they just begin to sprout,
Chorus: Then round about,
Meakin: Then round about I thin them out.
I chase the grubs from the corners where they lurk,
For I do all the dirty work.
Chorus: Yes, you do all the dirty work.
Meakin: I never shirk,
Chorus: You never shirk the dirty work.
You dig, and drain, and you root up all the weeds,
And you nurse them bloomin' little seeds.
And when they just begin to sprout,
Meakin: I thin them out,
Chorus: Then round about you thin them out.
You chase the grubs from the corners where they lurk,
For you do all the dirty work!
Meakin: Now some of you are foolish and romantic,
And with your blessed love affairs employ yourselves.
Although at times you nearly drive me frantic,
I always try and help you to enjoy yourselves.
Many, many times have I
Carried notes upon the sly —
Chorus: We'll have some for you presently!
Meakin: Half-a-crown I gets from you,
That ain't very much, it's true,
Chorus: Still, you smile very pleasantly!
Meakin: Oh, I do all the dirty work!
Chorus: You never shirk,
Meakin: I never shirk the dirty work!
All sorts of jobs I am called upon to do,
So that maid and man may bill and coo,
If there should come a wedding day,
Chorus: Then couples gay,
Meakin: Then couples gay will drive away.
They quite forget, as they nod and bow and smirk,
That I did all the dirty work!
Chorus: Yes, you do all the dirty work.
Meakin: I never shirk,
Chorus: You never shirk the dirty work.
All sorts of jobs you are called upon to do,
So that maid and man may bill and coo,
If there should come a wedding day
Meakin: Then couples gay,
Chorus: Then couples gay will drive away.
They quite forget, as they nod and bow and smirk,
That I do all the dirty work!

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Page modified 5 February 2017