Day 8 - Wednesday 5 August

Today's events:
  • Peggy Ann Jones - her life and career
  • The Sorcerer - Southampton G&S Society
  • Festival Club with cabaret from Southampton
  • Contents:
  • Peggy Ann Jones
  • The Sorcerer
  • The Festival Club

  • Peggy Ann Jones - her life and career during and after the D'Oyly Carte

    Peggy Ann Jones regailed a fascinated audience with stories from her varied career which ranged from the D'Oyly Carte to Phantom of the Opera.
    Picture of Peggy Ann Jones
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    Picture of Peggy Ann Jones
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    A view of Peggy and her photo albums on the stage of the Paxton Theatre.

    The Sorcerer by Southampton G&S Society

    Director: David Rayner
    Musical Director: Martin Paterson

    The action is set in the Jubilee Gardens, Ploverleigh, in June 1998.

    An unusual Sorcerer was given this evening by the Southampton Operatic Society. While restoring materials from the original run of the work, the production was also modernized, with costumes and some dialogue appropriate for the 1990's. The modernization was largely, but not completely, successful. I recall Nick Sales' review of Oxford's Ruddigore the previous evening. He described the Oxford production as "opportunities missed, rather than chances taken." This modernized Sorcerer was definitely "chances taken." Sometimes they did not work, but by and large they did, and it was interesting to watch.
    by Peter Zavon

    Picture of Constance
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    Oh, mother, do not ask!

    Constance (Nichola McKinley) and her mother, Mrs Partlett (Pam de Grouchy)

    I was a "cool" young curate then

    Dr Daly (Philip de Groucy) playing the front wheel of his bicycle as a harp after crashing (off stage).

    Picture of Dr Daly
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    Picture of the chorus
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    With heart and with voice

    Note the modern style dress

    I believe you advertise a patent Oxy-Hydrogen Love-at-first-sight-philtre?

    Alexis (Mike Sharpe), John Wellington Wells (Adam Case) and Aline (Alison Vincent)

    Picture of the the Sorcerer
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    Picture of the tpot
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    We will proceed with the incantation

    The world's largest teapot (which they used to fill a number of smaller tea pots)

    Eat, drink and be gay

    The accomplished chorus takes centre stage

    Picture of the banquet
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    Picture of Sir Marmaduke and Zorah
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    Any wife of yours is a mother of mine

    Sir Marmaduke (Colin Sly) introduces Alexis to his prospective new mother.

    The Festival Club with cabaret by Southampton G&S Society

    A report is to follow.

    Page updated 6 August 1998