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Doro. At last we are alone together! Alone for the first time in our lives!

Toto. It’s very pleasant. I wonder if I shall like you!

Doro. I think you’ll like me; I’m very popular.

Toto. Good-tempered?

Doro. Angelic.

Toto. Because I think I ought to have a good-tempered husband. I think I am the sort of girl who would irritate a touchy man. You see my temper is uncertain; and I’m impetuous, and impulsive, and my memory is very bad.

Doro. Very bad?

Toto. Very bad indeed. Do you know – but you’ll be angry if I tell you.

Doro. Not a bit.

Toto. Well, then, do you know that on my way back from the church I’ve been twice on the point of asking you if you were going to make a long stay with us?

Doro. No?

Toto. It’s a fact – and just now I was all but enquiring of Jelly whether you were married or single. I quite forgot we’d just been married; that’s bad, isn’t it?

Doro. Yes, I should try to recollect that, if I were you. It might give rise to unpleasantness if you forget it often. What are you doing?

Toto. (who is tying a knot in her pocket-handkerchief.) That is to remind me that I’m a married lady; as long as that’s there I shall never forget it.

Doro. But in course of time the pocket-handkerchief will go to the wash, and what will you do then?

Toto. What a clever man you are! Of course it will, I never thought of that. Then bless me! (showing another knot.) I shall forget this too – and this is ten times more important than the other.

Doro. And what may that knot be for?

Toto. I shan’t tell you – it’s a secret.

Doro. But there must be no secrets between us; we are man and wife now, and you must tell me everything.

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