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No. 13: Quartet & Dance (Sultan, Vizier, Physician & Executioner)

Midi Symbol MIDI File [20KB, 1' 54"]

  I'm the Sultan's vigilant Vizier,
Who lets the Sultan know the coast is clear,
When he (the Sultan) takes a private stroll;
Assuming such an assuming rôle
    As Dervish!

  I, the Sultan's Chief Physician, lug
The Sultan's private chest of dose and drug,
And follow his (the Sultan's) Grand Vizier,
Who lets the Sultan know the coast is clear,
When he the Sultan takes a private stroll;
Assuming such an assuming rôle
    As Dervish!

  I, the Sultan's Executioner,
Come just behind His Majesty of Per-
Sia's Chief Physician, who (the latter) lugs
His (that's the Sultan's) private chest of drugs,
And follows his (the Sultan's) Grand Vizier,
Who lets the Sultan know the coast is clear,
When he (the Sultan) takes a private stroll;
Assuming such an assuming rôle
    As Dervish!

  I'm the Persian Sultan So-and-So,
Engaged in walking out incognito,
With my (the Sultan's) Executioner;
He walks behind my Majesty of Per-
Sia's Chief Physician, who (the latter) lugs
My (Sultan's) chest of my (the Sultan's) drugs,
And follows his — my — (Sultan's) Grand Vizier,
Who lets the Sultan know the coast is clear,
When I (the Sultan) take a private stroll;
Assuming such an assuming rôle
    As Dervish!

Vizier. Dancing Dervish!
Physician. Holy Dancing Dervish!
Executioner. Lowly holy Dancing Dervish!
Sultan. Simple souly lowly holy Dervish!

Physician. Sultan. Vizier. Executioner.
Twirling whirling Tee-to-tum my rummy slummy Simple sou- Quaintly curling Twirling
simple souly quaintly curling Twirling whirling ly low- whirling Twirling whir-
lowly Holy simple souly lowly Holy ly Holy ling Simple souly
Dog of a Dancing Dervish! Dog of a Dancing Dervish! Dog of a Dancing Dervish! Dog of a Dancing Dervish!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Joyful gyrate Joyful gyrate High rate my Joyful gyrate High rate my Joyful gyrate
High rate my rate rate rate High rate my rate
unro- unromantic, frantic unromantic, frantic unro-
mantic, frantic antic antic antic mantic, frantic antic
Tee-to- Tee-to-tummy, rummy, Tee-to-tummy, rummy, Tee-to-
tummy, rummy, slummy, slummy, slummy, tummy, rummy, slummy,
Quaintly Quaintly curling, twirling, Quaintly curling, twirling, Quaintly
curling, twirling, whirling, whirling whirling curling, twirling, whirling,
Holy, Dancing Holy, Dancing Holy, Dancing Holy, Dancing
Dervish; lowly, Holy, Dervish; lowly, Holy, Dervish; lowly, Holy, Dervish; lowly, Holy,
Dog of Dancing Dervish! Dog of Dancing Dervish! Dog of Dancing Dervish! Dog of Dancing Dervish!

As they engage in a Dervish Dance, Hassan enters; he appears excited, and from
time to time eats Bhang.

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Page modified 18 May 2008