M Index

Ma Me Mi Mo Mu My

MaTop of page

(Mr.) McAllen(1901-02)
Ethel McAlpine (1879-81, 1882-83, 1884-85,
1891-92, 1897-1900)  With Portrait
Sidney McAlpine (1897-1903)  With Portrait
James McCalmont (1880)
(Miss) McCann (1887)
Bartle McCarthy (1890)
(Master) J. McCarthy (1878)
John Macauley (1892-95)  With Portrait
Gertrude Macauley (1897)
A. W. F. McCollin (1880-81)
Pauline McCormick (1952-54)
Hamish MacCunn (m.d., 1902-03)  With Portrait
Isa McCusker
Elsie McDermid (1914-17)  With Portrait
Flora Macdonald (1896-1900)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Macdonald (1881)
Mina Macdonnell (1900)
Elise McDougall (1975-76)
(Miss) C. M. McFadden (1880)
Agnes Macfarland (1890)
James H. Macfarren (1880-81)
Kate Macfarren (1881, 1891)
Nancy McIntosh (1893-94)  With Portrait
Margaret McIntyre (1935)
Charles Mack (1901)
Sarah Mack (1901)
Ethel Mackay (1912-13)
Rita Mackay
(1930-32)  With Portrait
Alexander Mackenzie
(cond., 1897)  With Portrait
Bessie Mackenzie
(1903-04, 1905)  With Portrait
Gordon Mackenzie (1954-56, 1962-65, 1965-70)  With Portrait
Edward McKeown (1917-19)  With Portrait
Charles Mackerras (cond., 1975, 1981)  With Portrait
David Mackie (a.m.d., 1976-82)  With Portrait
Lyon Mackie (1916-17)   With Portrait
Sterling MacKinlay (1902)  With Portrait
Stirling McKinley — See Sterling MacKinlay.
William McKinney (1960-63)
Isobel McLaren (1921-22)  With Portrait
Ethel Maclelland (1922-24)  With Portrait
James Maclelland (1923-26)
Lucy McLeod (1894-96)
Norah McLeod (1906-07)  With Portrait
William McLurgh (1931-32)
J. T. Macmillan (1892-94)  With Portrait
Pamela Maconochie (1954-56)  With Portrait
Robert McQueen (1915-16, 1919-22, 1939-47)  With Portrait
Wallace Macrery (1880-81)  With Portrait
Annie McVeigh (1886)
Bates Maddison (1892-93)
Gertie Madigan (1887)
Joan Maffett (1940-42)
John Maguire (1960-65)
Norah Maguire (1889-90, 1898-99, 1900-05)  With Portrait
Bernard Maher (1935-38)  With Portrait
James Mahoney (1878-85)
Susan Maisey (1964-68)
Rhoda Maitland (1887-89, 1892)  With Portrait
Esme Major (1918-19, 1921-22)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Vivian Maldwyn (1951-52)
Alice Mandeville (1878-80)
Charles Manners (1882-83)  With Portrait
Bernard Manning (1920-25)  With Portrait
Edgar Manning (1881-83, 1884) With Portrait
Frank Manning (1898-99) With Portrait
Arthur Mansfield (1889-91)

(Miss) M. Mansfield (1906-07)
Richard Mansfield (1879-81, 1882, 1886)  With Portrait
Violet Mansfield (1886-87, 1894-96)
Alfred J. Maple (1879-81)
Tom Marandola (1980-82) With Portrait
Arthur Marcel (1890)
Herbert Marchmont (1885-98)  With Portrait
Ethel Maribel (1880-81)
Cecile Marione (1922-23)
W. D. Marks (1880)
Jennifer Marks (1962-67)  With Portrait
George Marler (1880-84, 1889)  With Portrait
George W. Marnock (1880-82)
E. H. Marre (1878)
Irene Marriott (1901-02)
Florence Marryat (1882, 1883)  With Portrait
Millie Marsden (1887)
Minnie Marsden (1882-83)
Nellie L. Marsh (1901)
Margaret Marshall (1902-05)
(Mr.) Marshall (1878)
James Marsland (1949-70)  With Portrait
Septimus Marsland (1896-97)
William Martell (1884)
Adrian Martin (1971-74)  With Portrait
Chrystle Martin (1972-73)
Ena Martin (1929-34, 1935-38)  With Portrait
(Mr.) H. Martin (1883-84)
Leonard Martin (1899)
Marian Martin (1956-69) With Portrait
H. O. B. Martyn (1899-1903)
Adrian Martin (1971-74)
Jillian Mascall (1979-80)  With Portrait
Effie Mason (1885-87) With Portrait
John Mason — See Ralph Mason.
Ralph Mason (1959-63, 1965-73, 1974-75)  With Portrait
Valerie Masterson (1964-69, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1974-75, 1981)  With Portrait
James Mathew (1887)
(Mr.) L. Mathews (1885-86)
Guy Matthews (1974-82)  With Portrait
John Matthews (1887-91)
Lily Matthews (1890-1905) With Portrait
Paul Matthews (1957) With Portrait
Anna Maxwell (1887)
Laura Maxwell (1890-91) With Portrait
Nellie Maxwell (1878)
Adolph May (1902-03)
Alice May (1877-78)  With Portrait
Annette May (1895) — See Annie May.
Annie May (1884)
Beatrice May (1913-14)
Ela Q. May (1901, 1902)  With Portrait
Hylda May (1907, 1908-09)  With Portrait
Lila May (1882-83)
Margaret May (1920-21)
Marian May (1879-83)
Maude May (1893-95)
Nita May (1926)
Rose May (1912)
Theo May (1906-07)
(Mr.) Mayland (1881)
Eugenie Maynard (1881-82)  With Portrait
(Miss) I. Mayo (1881)
W. C. Mayo (1885)
Lillie Mayo (1881)

Me Top of page

George Meacher (1899-1900)
(Mr.) W. Mead (1890-99)
James A. Meade (1879)  With Portrait
Antonio Medcalf (1886-91)
Marion Medus (1885)
Harry Melbourne (1882-83)
Violet Melnotte (1877)  With Portrait
Winnie Melville (1929-30)  With Portrait
Maureen Melvin (1954-57)  With Portrait
Mollie Mennie (1925-27)  With Portrait
(Mr.) E. Menny (1881)

J. Ivan Menzies (1921-27, 1939-40)  With Portrait
Beatrice Meredith (1906-09)  With Portrait
Clara Merivale (1880-81, 1883-84, 1886-87)  With Portrait
Judi Merri (1973-75)  With Portrait
Agnes Merrill (1882)
Fred Mervin (1876)
(Miss) Mervyn (1897)
André Messager (cond., 1894)  With Portrait
Frank Messenger (1882-83)
Jane Metcalfe (1975-79)  With Portrait

Mi Top of page

Margaret Middleton (1916)
Otellio Milanson (1901)
Lucy Millais (1880-81)
Clifford Millar (1927)  With Portrait
Norma Millar (1965-67)
Brogden Millard (1933-34)  With Portrait
Lizzie Miller (1882)
Henry Millidge (1921-26)  With Portrait
(Miss) Millner (1882)
Eva Mills (1880)  With Portrait
Jack Millward (1941-47) With Portrait
Beverley Milne (1968-71)  With Portrait

Ella Milne (1914-16, 1919-20)  With Portrait
(Miss) S. Minette (1899)
(Mr.) Durac Minogue (1925-28)  With Portrait
Susan Minshull (1968-72)  With Portrait
Agnes Mitchell (1880-81)  With Portrait
Ben Mitchell (1887-94)
Betsy Ann Mitchell (1960-61)
Jacqueline Mitchell (1961-63)
J. Mitchell — See Agnes Mitchell.
Margaret Mitchell (1944-51)  With Portrait
Richard Mitchell (1976-79)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Mitchell (1878-79)

Mo Top of page

Fred Molyneux (1916-17)
Louis J. Monico (1885-86)
Felicity Monkman (1929-30)
Lena Monmouth (1879-81, 1884-86)  With Portrait
Louise Montague (1885-86)  With Portrait
Pauline Montegriffo (1882-83)
Annie Montelli (1881, 1885, 1887)  With Portrait
F. E. Montelli (??)
Kathy Montelli (??)
T. J. Montelli (1879-92) With Portrait
W. H. Montgomery (1881, 1887-89)
Eileen Moody (1933-35) With Portrait
Hilda Moody (1896)  With Portrait
Elizabeth Mooney (1929-32)
Samuel Mooney (1930-36) With Portrait
Barbara Moore — See Joanne Moore.
Decima Moore (1889-91, 1893, 1900)  With Portrait
Evelyn Moore (1915-16)
Jessie Moore (1889-91) With Portrait
Joanne Moore (1961-63) With Portrait
Winifred Moore (1898-1901) With Portrait
(Miss) Moore (1881)
M. R. Morand (1894-97, 1898-1903)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Moreton (1894)
Cynthia Morey (1951-57) With Portrait
C. William Morgan (1920-50)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Morgan (1916-17)
Fisher Morgan (1951-56) With Portrait
George King Morgan (1881-87)
Mary Morgan (1919-20)
William Morgan (1894-95, 1901-09, 1915-16)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Morgan (1916-17)
Mary Morison (1891-96)
John Morland (1896-99)
Duncan J. Morley (1884) With Portrait
Joy Mornay (1954-56, 1959-65, 1965-66)  With Portrait
Lister Morrah (1901-02)
Roberta Morrell (1972-82)  With Portrait
Janet Morrey (1973-75)
Allen Morris (1881-84, 1885-87, 1907-23)  With Portrait
Elma Morris (1892-94)  With Portrait
John Morris (1881-84)
Ethel Morrison (1906-09, 1910)  With Portrait
Frank Morrison (1894-95)
Florence Morrison (1887-90?)
Kate Morrisson (1890)
(Miss) K. Mortimer (1885-87)
Nellie Mortimer (1881)
(Miss) Mortimer (1875)
Anita Morton (1971-73)
G. M. Morton (1879)
Susan Mosco (1971-73)  With Portrait
Jennie Moss (1903)  With Portrait
Strafford Moss (1897-1913)  With Portrait
Thomas Moss (1881)
Claude Mossop (1935-36) With Portrait
Marguerite Mostyn (a.m.d., 1919)  With Portrait
Adelina Motte (1880-81)
Helen Moulder (1975-76) With Portrait
T. Noble Mounsey (1884-85)
Sara Mousley (1976-77) With Portrait
(Miss) Mowbray (1887)
Overton Moyle (1906-07) With Portrait
Madge Moyse (1895-1901) With Portrait

Mu Top of page

George Mudie (1878)  With Portrait
George Mudie (Jr.) (1902-03)  With Portrait
Ida Mülle (1886, 1887)  With Portrait
J. A. Muir (1887-88, 1890)  With Portrait
John C. Mullaly (cond., 1880, m.d., 1885-86)
(Mr.) Mullen (1881)
Isabelle Muncey (1877-78, 1883-84)  With Portrait
Lisa Muncey — See Isabelle Muncey.
Molly Mundle (1914-15) With Portrait
(Mr.) H. Munn (1880)
Percival Muntz (1902-03)
Phyllis Murden (1919-20)  With Portrait
Annie Murray (1887)
Ethel Murray (1887)
Peter Murray (a.m.d., 1968-70)  With Portrait
Tiny Murray (1889-1902) With Portrait
(Mr.) Murton (1888-89)

My Top of page

Elizabeth Mynett (1963-66, 1967-69)  With Portrait  

Page modified August 15, 2024 © 2001-24 David Stone