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The Era (London, England), Saturday, August 4, 1883; Issue 2341.

TYNE THEATRE. — Lessee, Mr. Richard W. Younge. — This popular theatre, after a short recess, was reopened for the regular season on Monday evening to a crowded and enthusiastic audience, who testified in the most demonstrative way their approval of the wonderful transformation effected during the four weeks that the theatre has been closed. When the theatre was lighted and the audience assembled, the tout ensemble was very fine, the artistic and lavish decoration of all parts of the theatre provoking unstinted praise.

The fairy opera by Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan entitled Iolanthe was presented for the first time in Newcastle, supported by Mr. D'Oyly Carte's No. 1 company, and received with considerable favour, the whole of the artists coming in for a hearty greeting. Mr. Frank Thornton's humorous rendering of the Lord Chancellor was heartily enjoyed. Mr. Walter Greyling as Lord Mountararat sang with taste; as also did Mr. Cadwaladr as Lord Tolloller, Mr. F. Federici as Strephon, and Mr. G. Marler as Private Willis. Miss Beatrix Young was a charming Iolanthe, and Miss Laura Clement a pleasing Phyllis. Miss Fanny Harrison sang with much effect and acted throughout in the most satisfactory manner as the Fairy Queen.

At the close of the first act the new act-drop was exhibited, and provoked enthusiastic applause, in response to which the painter, Mr William Glover, came to the footlights and bowed his acknowledgments. The subject is a view of the Silver Strand, Loch Katrine, treated in the artistic style which has made Mr. Glover famous as a painter of Scottish scenery. The lessee, Mr Younge, shortly afterwards stepped to the front, and met with such a reception as is only accorded on very rare occasions and to very popular favourites. The cheering lasted for nearly a minute, and on the subsidence of the applause Mr. Younge spoke as follows:–

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can scarcely find words to express my feelings and to welcome you to what I trust you will say is a charming theatre. When nearly two years ago I appeared before you for the first time as a manager of this theatre, I said I would not be too pretentious in words, and that my deeds should speak more eloquently for me. I trust that after the lapse of that period you will think that I have fulfilled my promises. I am certain that in the past I have tried to do so, and I will zealously essay to do so in the future. Your generous aid has enabled me to present before you a theatre which I am proud to think — and which I hope you will think — is second to none in the provinces. The name of the theatre has for some years been distasteful, but just as the Tyne Commission has made your river one of the noblest in the land — second in trade to the metropolis and to Liverpool — so I hope that the tide of public favour and opinion will flow on in the direction of this theatre, and enable me to present before you the greatest productions of the time, the best artists, and the most complete entertainment that the theatrical arrangements of the time can afford. And whilst I am manager of this theatre the name of 'The Tyne ' shall stick to it. I had hoped to present you with the electric light in this house, but I found that the noise of the engine and the dynamo would disturb the performance, and therefore I abandoned the idea. But I have abandoned the idea, only for the present, and I am informed by a scientific friend that we shall have before long the electric light in our buildings without the aid of engines at all. I can only say, ladies and gentlemen, that I am deeply grateful for the favours you have conferred upon me in the past. As I said two years ago, nothing can be too good for your acceptance, nothing too high for your appreciation. And I trust, as Sam Gerridge says in Caste, that by constant attention to business, and by supplying the best article I can at the least possible price, to merit a continuation of .our favours."

The musical sketch Cups and Saucers concluded, supported by Misses Duggan and Vincent and Mr. E. Vernon.

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